Contact Us

Morning, Noon or Night we are a 24 hour 7 days a week family 24/7 You contact us. We will contact you. Yes today !
( This is the contact us section if you order from this section you get 10% off invoice )
All you do when you on this page like now send your order with this email and well give you the discount we will put the bill in the box and pay later.
Hello Dear Wonderful Great Fabulous Friends,Emoji
New and Old,Young and not as Young.Emoji Our hearts our with yours.Emoji
We are so so so so very happy you wish to contact us.We wish the same.
Your young at heart.Your as young as you feel.Your as young as you look, and you look as young as you feel.Emoji
Thank you for wanting to get in touch.We love mail,phone calls,emails,fax’s which ever way is easiest for you.
We are just happy we are all together.We Love You.( sshh,there is 2 code messages in/on this page.If you find them wow,pow,zow,You Win “A Double”.( a double is,double your order,what ever you order we will double it and give you one to you and give the other to the loved one of your choice,sshh this is mystey code 1 mystrey code two is 25%off invoice ,if you findEmoji
EmojiIf you want to contact us the old fashion way ,old school
Kathy’s Family
p.ox box 21721
south euclid,ohio 44121
EmojiCall Our Home
day or night .
holidays or weekends.
any time 24 hours a days 7 days a week
We Are Always available for you. Call us. 
EmojiWhat ? Fax ? Yes we still Fax
Emoji Our Web Sight
Contact Us,Mention Code
Under Dog, You’ll Receive
( 25% off invoice) Shhh !
no one knows,but you.